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died as a baby | Eichelberg, Sophie (I494)
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died at birth | Olhausen, Ronald Albert (I370)
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died at sea | Strauch, Gotthilf (I2948)
204 |
Died in a fire in Russia, is all the information we have the 1890 is an assumed date | Wonnenberg, Twin (I1243)
205 |
died in an accident | Schorr, Hugo (I1879)
206 |
died in his teens | Ohlhausen, Christian (I487)
207 |
Died of kidney failure due to long term diabetes. Religion - Seven Day Adventist | Anderst, Maud (I569)
208 |
died of respiratory problems | Jastrow, Louise (I513)
209 |
Died of weakness of old age | Source (S32)
210 |
Died the same year the family moved from Poliz to Tarutino | Walter, Maria (I732)
211 |
E 1 mile, S 12 miles of Walsh - no church building left there. NE 34-9-30 W3 | Jans, August (I500)
212 |
E 1 mile, S 12 miles of Walsh - no church building left there. NE 34-9-30 W3 | Sackmann, Katherina (I501)
213 |
E 1 mile, S 12 miles of Walsh - no church building left there. NE 34-9-30 W3 | Jans, Christian (I2917)
214 |
Eddie had a great deal of musical talent and could play many different instruments and entertained family and friends | Ohlhausen, Edwin Reuben 'Eddie' (I37)
215 |
Edna Beierbach Hay said that she did not know her father as her parents were divorced when she was 2 years old. He was murdered after picking up a hitch hiker. | Beierbach, Reinhold 'Rinnie' D. (I601)
216 |
Edna believes that her Dad's last name is spelled Beierbach becuase that is how it is spelled on her birth certificate (sources 257 and 161) | Beierbach, Reinhold 'Rinnie' D. (I601)
217 |
Edna Hay told the W. Fuller that her Grandpa called her Grandma "Maria Charletta" (Won3, page 51). | Hoffman, Maria 'Mary' Charlotte (I563)
218 |
Edna'a mother called her 'Edna May' - so that is what she used all her life even though it was Marie. | Beierbach, Edna Marie (I721)
219 |
Ella grew up being called (and thinking that her name was) 'Mary Ella' and was not happy when she saw Ella Maria on her birth certificate and, Dave said it cost $60 to make legal a legal change to Mary Ella | Olhausen, Mary 'Ella' (I99)
220 |
Eltershofen | Eberhardt, Jakob IV (I1581)
221 |
Elvire Necker has a copy of this church book which came from Ing Isert, who found it in an archive in Ismail, Romania in the 1980's or 90's | Source (S37)
222 |
Elvire Necker has a copy of this church book which came from Ing Isert, who found it in an archive in Ismail, Romania in the 1980's or 90's | Source (S334)
223 |
Elvire's research came to me on a disc in the program of Brother's keeper version 5, file Original/Original. | Source (S281)
224 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: A.L.E. Ducatel / B.C.R. Condamine (F431)
225 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: Glen Kwiet / E.M. Ohlhausen (F768)
226 |
Eva was the wife of the original owner of farm #14 (Karl Rondthaler) and upon his death she married Karl Wonnenberg and he operated farm #14. | Family: Karl Wonnenberg / Eva Rosina Schmidtke (F419)
227 |
farmed the S27-10-30-W3 until 1956 when they sold to the Spring Creek Hutterite Colony and moved to Maple Creek. | Jans, Albert (I26)
228 |
farmed || where one son was born and another died. During these years the Jerke family became very good friends with Elizabeth's brother-in-law, Daniel Wonnenberg family, who was also working on beet farms just north of Granada. The two families moved north to the Greeley area and we know that they worked in the same area as we have several formal pictures taken together. It appears that this friendship lasted all their life. | Jerke, Johannes 'John' (I1607)
229 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Forester, E.D. (I810)
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At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Forester, H.E. (I1008)
231 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Hay, T.T.D. (I727)
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Fere Champenoise is a different name for the same town as Neu-Elft in Bessarabia.|| (see note Book M1 - page 23); per Elvira Necker | Hiller, Maria Elizabetha (I250)
233 |
Findagrave Memorial: 52272951 | Fredrich, Anna 'Susanna' (I1335)
234 |
Odes'ka, Ukraine | Krause, Julianna (I740)
235 |
Odes'ka, Ukraine | Littau, Friedrich Sr. (I1336)
236 |
Odes'ka, Ukraine | Warnke, Louise (I1337)
237 |
Flegal Book says Wanke | Warnke, Louise (I1337)
238 |
from 'Nemezko Chaginsk' which is Russian for Kronental, N. Caucasus. | Wonenberg, Karolina 'Carrie' (I597)
239 |
from 'Nemezko Chaginsk' which is Russian for Kronental, N. Caucasus. | Wonenberg, Gustav 'Gus' (I599)
240 |
from 'Nemezko Chaginsk' which is Russian for Kronental, N. Caucasus. | Wonnenberg, Daniel (I562)
241 |
from Canada | Source (S333)
242 |
from grave stone | Mechalke, Elmer G. (I596)
243 |
From Mother's Bible | Weiss, Johan (I507)
244 |
From Mother's Bible | Weiss, Johan (I507)
245 |
from Skomtsche, Poland | Banek, Andreas (I1325)
246 |
from Skomtsche, Poland | Banek, Christoph (I1326)
247 |
Funeral services at the Seven Day Adventist Church | Gill, Reinhold (I830)
248 |
gave over the farm to his son-in-law David Fischer (who gave the farm to his brother Gorrfried in 1819). | Littau, Johann Sr. (I1338)
249 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: O.W. Schlenker / G. Knapp (F886)
250 |
grave stone | Wonenberg, Gustav 'Gus' (I599)
251 |
Grave Stone Marker | Peterson, Alice M. (I1650)
252 |
GRHS says born in Leutzschuetz PO [won1, page 18b] | Bauch, Andreas II (I1323)
253 |
had 161 ha of land according to Fragebogen -- also owned a mill. | Ohlhausen, Jakob II (I518)
254 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: F.T. Ohlhausen / S. Gensmantel (F805)
255 |
had attended the Rodney and Bancroft schools and after marriage they farmed just one km from the Ohlhausen farm in Bancroft. She was very active in the community and her baking and handy craft were well known to take first prize at the fair. | Ohlhausen, Irene (I32)
256 |
had been a farmer in Krim, Poland and || immigrated to || and became the original owner of farm # 109 with 60 hectares (148 Acres) of land. | Littau, Johann Sr. (I1338)
257 |
had lump removed off his shoulder and it was diagnosed as not cancerous and an operation on 25 Sept.1974 in the same area showed it was fast growing cancer. | Ohlhausen, Heinrich 'Henry H' (I30)
258 |
He added an H between his first and last names to prevent his mail being mixed up because his cousin, Henry Ohlhausen, lived close to his farm south of Irvine. | Ohlhausen, Heinrich 'Henry H' (I30)
259 |
He became a British subject within Canada, so that he could qualify under the Canadian Homestead Act | Ohlhausen, Johannes 'John' (I8)
260 |
He drowned in an irrigation ditch which was between the house and the barn, while his mother was in town. He had tried to crawl over a wooden plank that was used to get to the barn. After he had been missing for some time, a neighbour found him in the ditch. | Koenig, Willie (I571)
261 |
He fell out of a tree and hit his head on a rock. | Littau, Richard James (I1411)
262 |
He grew up in one of the German settlements in part of Russian that is Armenia today. His son Don said
"Our grandfather lived practically in the shadow of Mount Ararat". | Greenwalt, Henry Jacob (I598)
263 |
He is buried in the Bierbach family plot purchased by his father'Daniel' who died in 1923 (Won3, page 58) | Beierbach, Reinhold 'Rinnie' D. (I601)
264 |
He moved with family to Canada and when his mother died, lived with his aunt Louise Littau near Hanna, AB until he became of age. He worked as a farm hand and later as a bull dozer operator and never married. | Koenig, Christian "Chris" (I553)
265 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: C.W. Cook / M. Schlenker (F888)
266 |
He was a Cpl in the US army and was in the Korean war. | Mechalke, Jim (I651)
267 |
He was a machinist in McGill NV untill retirement. | Olson, Merlyne 'Dale' (I1188)
268 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Wonenberg, W.T.E. (I2537)
269 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Jones, J.A. (Wilburn) (I1165)
270 |
He was the first owner of farm #95 and farmed there until his death. | Wonnenberg, Heinrich Ferdinand (I731)
271 |
He worked several jobs including the Kelowna mill, in a hospital, Fuller Brush and ended his career with the department of highways in Kamloops, BC. | Ohlhausen, Dewald (I11)
272 |
Heart attack | Thomson, John Mervin (I590)
273 |
Helen Wonenberg Burbach told Wayne Fuller that Irna grew up as Erna Wonenberg | Dorsch, Erna (I608)
274 |
Helena Tetzlaff was a a sponsor for an 1857 birth as shown in the LDS Galatz film - Jakobsonsthal Births # 127 0535 for 1856 - 1921 | Family: Kornelius Tetzlaff / Magdalena 'Helena' Kranich (F5)
275 |
Henry wanted a full section in one square block because at the time everyone farmed with horses and it was important to have the land accessible from the barn. We assume that he sold the half section in 1928 when he found his full section and || which he farmed until 1950. We are told that Henry was a real horse person and always had the best team in the district. | Ohlhausen, Heinrich 'Henry H' (I30)
276 |
her ancestor was Karl Fischer from Klein Politz, Poland | Fischer, Helena (I2271)
277 |
Her birth name was Ann Russold. At some point it was changed to 'Rose' and she did not find out until she tried to get her old age pension and had to have proof of birth. | Rose, Anna (Russold) (I274)
278 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: K.C.C. Littau / M. Ott (F646)
279 |
Her marriage certificate says Jan 6, 1885 | Reister, Elizabetha (I343)
280 |
His birth name was 'Crête', but used the American spelling 'Cratte' most of his life. | Cratte, Oliver (I2592)
281 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Wonenberg, B. (I2540)
282 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Wonenberg, D. (I2541)
283 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Wagner, N.A. (I1875)
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His hobby of fishing kept him busy, going to all sorts of fishing areas in the country. On 13 Feb. 1962 he and his fishing partner Matchett, were in court and fined $50 for being over the limit at a small trout pond. | Ohlhausen, Heinrich 'Henry H' (I30)
285 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Sawatsky, V. (I726)
286 |
His obituary says that he leaves 5 sons, August, Jacob, Gottlieb, Johann and Friedrich and 2 daughters, Rosina and Katherina. | Jans, August (I500)
287 |
His official name may have been Heinrich Friedrich and was known as Friedrich. | Wonnenberg, Friedrich Heinrich (I730)
288 |
homestead NE16-10-3W4 | Gill, Michael (I825)
289 |
http://royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/archives-visitors/contact/ | Repository (R13)
290 |
http://www.archives.gov/index.html | Repository (R8)
291 |
http://www.servicealberta.gov.ab.ca/vitalstatistics.cfm | Repository (R2)
292 |
https://familysearch.org/ | Repository (R11)
293 |
I received both the patened record and this deed record from Dick Mechalke on his visit to Canada 5 Aug 2006.(His wife is from Oklahoma) | Source (S279)
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I received both the patened record and this deed record from Dick Mechalke on his visit to Canada 5 Aug 2006.(His wife is from Oklahoma) | Source (S418)
295 |
Immanuel Luther Church | Littau, Karolina (I2865)
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immigrating from Kummi Poland and was the original owner of farm # 77 with 60 hectares (148 acres) of land. | Littau, Friedrich Sr. (I1336)
297 |
In 1816 he immigrated to Paris Bessarabia, Russia | Jerke, Gottlieb (I3169)
298 |
In 1845, his granddaughter Ida (Jans) and her husband, Fred Heller lived with William for about one year. | Ohlhausen, Gustav 'Wilhelm' (I3)
299 |
In 1907 the family moved to Colorado where they farmed and raised their family until they retired to Greeley in 1931. | Wonnenberg, Daniel (I562)
300 |
In 1913 Leipzig was part of Russia | Biech, Henry (I586)